
Monday, October 9, 2017

Launching proxy service in browsers using ProxyCap and testing proxy connection
1. Launch ProxyCap.
2. After the first run, you'll see the window with program configuration and proxy adding feature. Click New proxy server to add a proxy. Make sure to specify the SOCKS 5 protocol in the Type column.

3. Click OK to save the changes.
4. Now you can click Proxy check to test the proxy server you just added.

5. Then go to Rules section on the left to add a new rule for traffic tunneling. Click Add new Rule.
In the Rule Action field, select the option 
Redirect through proxy.
In the Proxy field, specify the proxy you selected earlier.
Check off Resolve names remotely to forward all DNS queries to the SOCKS server. This is necessary in order to protect against DNS leak.
Check off TCP and UDP protocols.
Note that by default the rule sets tunneling for all applications and IP/port ranges. However, you can enter your settings and manually select the programs that will run through this proxy. In this way you can route traffic to and from different programs to run through different proxies at the same time.
6. Click OK to save all settings.
Now you can run your favorite browser and test the ProxyCap operation.
Let's us http://IPleak.com/ to find out your IP address and DNS.
As you can see, the IP address that is detected is the same as you entered in the ProxyCap settings window. This means the SOCKS v5 tunneling through ProxyCap is on.

Getting to know ProxyCap
            This is what ProxyCap looks like when you launch it for the first time.
Initially the program configuration window is empty. Let's go over the interface and configuration settings.
Under the Proxies tab you can add a proxy (New proxy server), remove it (Delete proxy), change the proxy's settings (Properties), query it for information (Check proxy), and specify a default proxy server (Set as default).

The Chains tab contains proxy chain settings:

New Proxy Chain creates a chain of different proxies through which ProxyCap will tunnel traffic.
Also under this tab you can modify (Edit), remove (Delete), and test (Check) a saved proxy chain.

Configuration profiles can be exported from and imported into the program under the Ruleset tab.

You can manage various Internet connection routing rules and add new ones using the configuration wizard (New rule wizard) under the Rules tab.

If you need to create a list of domains that always resolve locally, go to the DNS tab.

To access the ProxyCap menu, simply right-click on its icon in the system tray.
The menu allows to turn the program on or off (Enable/Disable ProxyCap), show the user manual (ProxyCap Help), open the proxy settings menu (Configuration), and display the open connections and logs monitoring window (Status and Logs).

Sumber --> https://5socks.net/Manual/ProxyCap-eng.html